+31 71 - 526 1893


HemoNED RegistryThe HemoNED Registry offers the hemophilia practitioner the opportunity to monitor his/her patients, their treatments and the treatment results in a clear and convenient manner. The practitioner can log into the HemoNED registry through a secure connection via our website. To list the advantages of the Registry:

  • The practitioner has a clear overview of the number and characteristics of his/her patients with hemophilia and associated bleeding disorders.
  • The practitioner can download a list of his/her patients.
  • The practitioner always has an up-to-date digital overview of the infusions and bleedings that have been entered into the digital infusion log by his/her patients.
  • Manual input of information from paper logbooks is no longer necessary.
  • Simple registration of side effects of medication. Please note that the practitioner still needs to report serious adverse events (SAEs) to the proper authorities.
  • After anonymization, the data can immediately be used for reports and research. This saves time and effort significantly with regard to data collection.


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