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Digital infusion log

Digital infusion logFor patients on home treatment, a digital infusion log (app) is developed in consultation with a number of representatives from the patient organization. Patients can use the infusion log to easily keep track of their infusions and the bleedings that may occur. The app replaces the use of paper logbooks or existing (commercial) apps. The advantages of the HemoNED digital infusion log ('VastePrik'):

  • The digital infusion log is available in different formats:
    • an app for iOS smartphones;
    • an app for Android smartphones;
    • an online web page that can be accessed by logging in via our website.
  • The data entered into the digital infusion log is sent directly to the HemoNED registry via a secure Internet connection.
  • The smartphone will only store a short summary of the data; this is more secure and, in addition, it will safe memory which reduces the risk of the app freezing when used.
  • The patient can access an extensive overview of the entered data by logging into his or her personal web page via our website.
  • The patient's hemophilia practitioner also has access to the overview of the entered infusions and bleedings. Whenever the patient and practitioner meet for consultation, he/she does no longer need to bring or print out any paperwork.
  • In the longer term, the digital infusion log can also be used to ask patients for their experiences with the treatment. This way all relevant treatment information will be stored in one place.

The digital infusion log VastePrik is launched in April 2018.

>>Digital infusion log

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